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The Cancun Trilogy, An Erotic Beach Romance

  The Cancún Trilogy

  The Cancún Affair • Return to Cancún • Cancún Wedding

  Lena Malick

  PUBLISHED BY: Lena Malick on Smashwords

  Copyright © 2014 Lena Malick | Scorpio Rising Publishing

  Table of Contents

  The Cancún Affair

  Return to Cancún

  Cancún Wedding

  About the Author

  Other Titles by Lena Malick

  The Cancún Affair

  Chapter 1

  It wasn’t looking good. Standing in waist deep water, Terra struggled to adjust her mask.

  “Another day sitting on a perfect white sand beach with a good book, going up to the bar hut every hour or so for another cold beer—what could be better? What’s with the need to take a diving class?” Terra complained as she struggled with the strap.

  “We’re in Cancún. A whole different country. Don’t you think we should at least see a little more than just the stretch of beach in front of our hotel cabana?” Vicky asked, easily sliding her mask on and adjusting her snorkel.

  Other members of the class, comprised mostly of pudgy, pasty Americans and their squealing, sunburned offspring, were already floating face down, popping up periodically to listen to the teacher explain what kind of fish they were looking at. The instructor dropped food pellets in select spots to attract the fish. It was like diving in an aquarium.

  Terra was trying to shorten the strap. “Someone with a ginormous head was the last one to use this,” she said. Vicky sighed, but with her snorkel on it came out a wet sputter.

  One of the other dive instructors swam up to Terra. When he stood up in the water, he kept growing and growing, the water cascading off him. He was well over six feet tall. His body was like a living Adonis, dark and rippled, with large, smooth muscles. Terra thought of an Armani ad she’d seen in a magazine, with a male model in a boat. Or was it Polo? He towered over Terra, who stood about five-five and weighed 110.

  He was wearing tight red racing shorts, like he was on his way to a swim meet. Terra came to just above his chest. He pealed his mask and snorkel off. His dark hair had light sun streaks running through it. His eyes were so green, it was unnerving. Everything about him seemed more vivid than everything else around him, like he was a character out of Avatar that just wandered into their dreary 2D world.

  “Holly shit,” Terra heard Vicky say, except with her snorkel on it sounded like “golly smitt.” Terra wasn’t sure if Adonis man understood her, but he was probably used to such reactions.

  “Please, I help you,” he said in a thick accent. He dropped down so he was sitting in the water. His legs dangled at Terra’s sides as he reached for her mask. She handed it to him. He slid the strap through the clasp, adjusting it. As he did, the current gently nudged him closer so he was nearly touching her, encircling her with his legs. He didn’t seem to be caught up in the American notion of ‘personal space’, as he’d clearly violated hers. Terra thought she may have stopped breathing.

  He handed her mask back to her. “It help clear mask if you spit first. You miss that part of class.” Definitely an accent, but not Hispanic. Italian? He spat in his own mask, sloshing water in it. Terra tried to spit, but nothing came out. He smiled and pushed away. “Join the rest of us,” he said, rolling in the water and swimming away like he was half fish.

  “Og. My. Goff.” Vicky said, sputtering through her snorkel.

  “Control yourself,” Terra said, finally getting her mask on.

  The class turned out to be a lot of fun, thought they didn’t see much more of Adonis man, as he was working with another group most of the time. Terra caught glimpses of him though. She was amazed that someone could be that physically beautiful. What was he doing teaching tourists how to snorkel? Why didn’t he just walk into a modeling agency? Really, that’s all he’d have to do, just walk in the door.

  When she was thirteen, Terra won an amateur modeling contest at a mall back in Ann Arbor. The experience, which was actually just a marketing gimmick by a clothing company, nonetheless got her dreaming of Paris runways and fashion spreads. But when she stopped growing at five-five, she knew she didn’t have much chance. Luckily, she had brains as a backup, and at nineteen was now about to enter her sophomore year as a biology major, with plans to go to medical school and become a pediatrician. Vicky was in her second year of a Masters program.

  Back at their beach cabana that evening, they sipped margaritas before going to dinner.

  “My God,” Vicky was saying, “He was just all… meat, and muscle, and yummy-yummy-scrumptious oh-my-God-take-me-now-and-do-bad-things-to-me kind of gorgeous.” She was right, Terra thought as she laughed at Vicky’s description. They didn’t know his name, so they still referred to him as Adonis man.

  “Let’s take the class again tomorrow,” Vicky said.

  “Don’t you think that will be a little obvious? Besides, you have a boyfriend.”

  “I know. But you don’t. I’m only thinking of you. Besides, we’re on vacation. So normal rules don’t apply.”

  Terra broke up with her boyfriend five months ago. She never told Vicky that he was her one and only boyfriend. It had been a confusing experience for her. She lost her virginity to him in an awkward, hurried exchange, then spent the next few months trying to get comfortable with him. It was never good. He was a scrawny, insecure kid, who finally told her, in an emotional good-bye, that he’d found his true nature, and his true nature was gay.

  “What do you mean, normal rules don’t apply? For me or for you?” Terra asked, a little afraid of the answer.

  “Well, I was thinking of you, but maybe he’s got a friend. Poseidon, or Aqua Man or someone. Someone with a taste for sisters. Why are there no black superheroes? How’s a girl supposed to fantasize?”

  “What do you want to do after dinner?” Terra asked, hoping to change the subject. She ran her hands down her legs, massaging her sore muscles.

  “I dunno. Maybe dancing?”

  “Let’s get dressed. I want to borrow that yellow blouse you have. It’ll show off my tan.”

  “Good luck. You’ll need to wrap it around you twice.”

  They had opposite bodies. Vicky was tall, busty and all curves. Terra was shorter and skinny, with porcelain white skin, though a week in the sun had given her some welcome color. “But with a killer butt,” Vicky would remind her. “You’ve got the world’s finest ass, for a scrawny white girl.” Terra was also blessed with long, beautiful, light brown hair, which now had blond highlights, thanks to the sun and salt water. In the blue bathing suit she bought for the trip, she was noticing a lot of guys looking at her. She was starting to feel confident. All the yoga and running she’d done after breaking up with her boyfriend was finally paying off.

  “Yeah, maybe dancing would be fun,” Terra said.

  Chapter 2

  She saw him at the bar. Being shy, her instinct was to turn away. But it was too late. He saw her.

  They hadn’t gone dancing. They spent so long at dinner they decided just to have drinks at the Circle Rock bar. Circle Rock was a bar on the sand that surrounded a huge sphere of rocks, in the center of which was an enormous bonfire. It gave the place the feeling of a beach party. An acoustic reggae band played. Flames from the fire bathed everyone in sexy gold and yellow. Most people were wearing beach clothes—shorts, bikini tops and sexy wraps.

  Terra’s heart surged in her chest at the sight of him. Talking about him with Vicky, they had turned him into a kind of unreal character, but here he was. Very real, and impossibly sexy in baggy shorts and a soft white cotton shirt. He had a beautiful gold medallion around
his neck. Nearly overdressed for this place, Terra thought.

  He smiled at her, his teeth white as ivory. “The girl with no spit,” he said. She smiled feebly, glad he probably couldn’t see her face turn red—saved by the dancing firelight. Her heart skipped a beat when she noticed the woman with him. Impossible to believe, but she was nearly as beautiful as him, with the same emerald green eyes. She wore a gold bikini top over her dark skin, and had a thin, dainty gold chain around her waist, held up by delicate hip bones. She had on a colorful sarong, with a full split that showed her long, toned legs, and high-strap gladiator sandals. She was about the sexiest woman Terra had ever seen. She suddenly felt like the ugliest girl on the beach.

  “Hi,” Terra managed to say, looking up at him. “I was just… getting a couple of beers,” she added, turning and setting her wallet on the bar.

  “This is my sister, Anna,” he said with a smile. The woman reached over, taking Terra’s hand. “Nice to meet you,” she said. She had the same accent as him.

  “Hi, I’m Terra.”

  They both smiled at her, two sets of radiant teeth. Terra still didn’t know his name, and now was afraid to ask. “Anna going back to Athens in the morning. Her final year at University. We’re celebrating with having to drink,” he said. Terra found his awkward English ridiculously endearing.

  “Nice,” was all Terra could think to say. Athens. That was the accent. Greek.

  “Same again?” the bartender asked Terra. “Yeah, thanks,” she said.

  Adonis man leaned over and spoke in Terra’s ear. “I’m Nikolaos. Or just Nik.” She breathed him in as he spoke, his breath warm against her ear. Wood, sand, ocean—and something sweeter. Sexy. As he pulled back, the scruff on his cheek brushed lightly against the side of her face, sending a tingle through her, as if casting a spell on her.

  Terra felt light headed, like she was intoxicated. She started to say something as they both looked at her, but nothing came out. The bartender put two beers on the bar. “On your tab?” he said. “Oh, yeah sure. Cabana nine,” Terra said.

  Just as Terra started to turn away, Anna leaned over, taking her arm, and whispered in her ear, “I think my brother has a crush on you.” Terra could smell vanilla and lemon. Anna let go and gave her a sly smile. Terra turned away, blood rushing to her head, too flustered to respond.

  Chapter 3

  “Okay, you have no chance. I have no chance. No woman alive has a chance. I saw her. She’s too beautiful for the room, and there are a lot of beautiful women in this room, or whatever you’d call this bar,” Vicky said, looking around as Terra sat down with their beers.

  “I know. And she’s even more beautiful up close. But she’s his sister.”

  “Ah, sister. That’s sweet. What guy brings his sister to a bar? Maybe he’s gay.”

  “What?” The reggae band had plugged in and the place was getting noisy.

  “Maybe he’s GAY. Likes MEN,” Vicky shouted.

  Just then, he crouched down between them. Neither had noticed him approach their table.

  “Hi!” he said, with that gorgeous smile. And his wonderful smell. Either he didn’t hear Vicky’s comment, or he pretended not to.

  “Hi, Nik,” Terra said. Vicky raised her eyebrows at her. “This is Vicky.”

  “Hello, handsome,” Vicky said playfully. Terra envied her confidence. “We’re planning to take your class again tomorrow. You’ll be there, right? Maybe you’ll take us out to deeper waters,” Vicky added, seductively.

  “I would love to,” Nik said in his think accent. “But I must take my sister to airport.” He looked at Terra, as if expecting her to say something. Crouched the way he was, he was eye level with her, close enough to kiss. His face was open, as if inviting her in. His green eyes, unblinking, had a hypnotic effect. It seemed impossible not to stare at them.

  “So, Nik, do you have any friends?” Vicky said, as Nik and Terra continued to stare at each other. “I have lots of the friends,” he said, keeping his eyes on Terra.

  “Yeah?” Vicky said, watching them. “So, did you come over here just to stare into her eyes?”

  “No,” Nik said. “You left this on bar.” He put Terra’s wallet on the table. “I want you two to come diving with me tomorrow afternoon. You don’t need more class. Easy dive, just snorkeling. Secret spot nobody else know. And I’ll bring friend,” he said, looking at Vicky.

  “Um,” Vicky said. “Secret spot? With a friend of yours? Sounds salacious.”

  “And so, you go?” he said.

  “No,” Terra said, giving Vicky a firm look. “Thank you, we’re flattered, but I don’t think it would be a good idea.”

  The reggae band paused between songs. There was an awkward silence. “I understand,” Nik said, standing up. “You don’t think it would be safe. You are wise to be cautious.”

  “Thank you for understanding,” Terra said, her heart sinking. She knew she was right to say no, but felt immediately disappointed. Vicky stared at her with her mouth half open. Nik turned and walked away.

  “Ohh, that’s just great.” Vicky said. “He said he has a friend, and you say no? What the hell, girl? Do you know how long it’s been since I had a little attention?”

  “You mean from someone besides your boyfriend?”

  “Normal rules don’t apply here. And tomorrow’s our last full day.”

  “I’m sorry, Vicky, but it’s not safe. No way are we going to let two strangers take us to some secret spot that only they know about. This is Mexico, not Palm Beach.”

  “I’m sure you’re right. He’s probably the criminal type. He sure seems that way, what with returning your wallet and all, still stuffed with cash.”

  Terra sank down in her seat, tipping her beer.

  Chapter 4

  Later that night, as Terra and Vicky were getting ready for bed, there was a soft knock on their cabana door. Expecting the hotel staff, Terra answered it, wearing a bathrobe and a towel on her hair.

  It was Nik. He was smiling, happy to see her, as if she should have been expecting him. He was wearing soft faded jeans, sandals, and a light blue t-shirt. His green eyes found hers, resting there. “I’m sorry to bother you so late,” he said in a conspiratorial whisper, “but I wanted to ask you something.”


  He took a moment longer to just look at her, then asked, “Are you a thief?”

  “Am I a…” she got lost in his eyes. She tried to snap out of it. “Am I a what?”

  “Are you a thief?”


  “Then take this,” he said, lifting the gold medallion from around his neck. He stepped into her, as if they were old familiar lovers. He reached up and took the towel off her hair, draping it over his arm. Her hair fell down in damp clumps. He placed the necklace over her head. “I’m not giving it to you. It’s quite valuable. Sentimentally.” He adjusted her hair so the necklace could rest against her chest. “It came from the ocean, long ago. Any person who wear it, they will never be lost. Will find where they need to go. My mother give me it. I would like it back. Tomorrow.” He moved in closer, his hips pressed gently against her belly.

  Her bathrobe fell open. She felt the cold of his belt buckle against her skin. She didn’t flinch. He looked down at her.

  “We don’t have to dive,” he said. “We can sit in middle of town square, if you so like. Here’s my number.”

  He took a piece of paper out of the back pocket of his jeans and put it in the chest pocket of her robe. He put his hands at the nape of her neck and slid them down, parting the robe enough to expose her completely. She felt like she was in a trance, unable to move. He lightly brushed over her breasts with the back of his hands, grazing over her nipples. As he did, he continued looking into her eyes. When he moved his hands away, her wet hair brushed over her breasts, sending chills through her. He gathered her hair and put it over her shoulder, then pulled her robe together, wrapping her snugly. He drew the waist rope around her, tying it in front. He
yanked the cord playfully toward him, pulling her against him. His face was poised just above hers. His vibrant green eyes held her, making her feel like she was slipping into a dream.

  He tipped his head closer, his mouth an inch from hers. She felt his soft breath against her face. The smell of wood and ocean. His arms slid around her back, embracing her. A hand slipped to the back of her head. His mouth brushed her lips. She opened her mouth. He lingered there. She reached up to put a hand on his cheek.

  He pulled back with a sly smile. “Tomorrow,” he said. He handed her towel back to her, then turned and walked away. Back into the night.

  “Who was that?” Vicky asked as Terra turned back into the room. “And what the flip is that around your neck? Damn though,” she said, coming closer. “It’s beautiful.”

  Chapter 5

  The next day, Terra resolved to forget all about it. It seemed like a dream, or something that was too good to be true. She planned to drop the medallion off at the dive school. She sat with Vicky on the beach in the morning, pretending to read a book while she fantasized about him. She remembered her first impression of him, when he rose out of the water. His smooth, rippled body. The heavy bulge under his tight red swimsuit—right in front of her. Close enough to reach out and touch. She imagined pealing the suit off, pulling it down over his hips. What would be there? What would come to life? She imagined putting her hand on it. Kissing it. Kissing his chest and moving up to his mouth. Kissing those full lips.

  As her book fell to her stomach, she imagined the feel of his body under her hands. The woodsy smell of him. His rough face as he kissed her.

  She began to get light-headed. She reached in her bag and took out the medallion, clutching it tightly in her hand. She lifted it to her nose and breathed in, squeezing her eyes shut. She was feeling… something. She couldn’t put a name on it. Restless. Needy. Horny.

  That was it, she realized with a start. She was horny. The thought almost made her laugh out loud. But it was true. After the terrible experiences with her boyfriend, she’d kind of given up the idea of sex. At least temporarily. She’d put it aside, thinking she could start that part of her life again later. She just wasn’t sure when. She hardly even thought about sex any more. She only stayed on the pill because it helped her period. But now, her body seemed to have different ideas. It was ready. Maybe it was being nineteen, she thought. Maybe your body just gets to a point where it doesn’t want to be denied any more.