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Tell Me What to Do Page 2

  “Allan?” I said.

  “Yes,” he said, his voice a quake.

  “Unzip your pants and put your dick in my mouth.”

  ~ ~ ~

  He was shaking so bad he couldn’t get his zipper down. I reached up and tried to pull it down. His erection made his pants so tight it was impossible. Finally, I swiveled in my chair so I was facing him, reached up, and yanked his pants down with both hands. His dick sprung forward, enormous, swollen, heavy with ropey veins. I cupped his balls with one hand and put my other hand at the base of his shaft, then put my mouth over the head. I couldn’t get much more in. I heard him groan. I licked around and under the knob, wetting the shaft of his dick. I squeezed his balls lightly and stroked him, then tried to get him deeper in my mouth. He put his hands tentatively on my head. I moaned encouragement, stroking him with both hands as I sucked him. I took my mouth off and ran his dick over my lips, sticking my tongue out and licking around the head as I looked up at him. I flicked my tongue against the opening at the tip, then put my tongue out flat and slapped it with the head of his cock. I put as much as I could back in my mouth. My saliva made his shaft slippery now and I stroked him harder. I heard him make a hiccup sound. I could already feel some pre-cum on the tip of his dick, rubbing against my tongue like an exotic, glossy oil.

  I hadn’t been sucking him for more than a couple blissful minutes when he made a desperate sound, his balls contracted with a jerk, and I felt his cum rushing my mouth in forceful, heavy spurts. I wasn’t expecting it so soon. Cum spilled out of my mouth, down my chin and on my tits. Allan crouched over me as he continued to orgasm, using his hands on my head to push himself into my mouth and making breathy, grunting sounds. He came like he hadn’t had an orgasm in a long, long time, his cock pulsing in my hands as more cum shoot against the back of my mouth. The spasms took a long time to die down. When he was done, I took him out of my mouth and kissed the head of his dick with gentle, teasing kisses.

  He quickly stepped away, reaching down for his pants. “Allan, it’s okay,” I said, when I saw the panic on his face. “I wanted this.”

  “I’m sorry,” he said. “I shouldn’t have done that. Please, forgive me. I’m… I…”

  “It’s okay. Allan, I wanted it,” I said, using a finger to wipe some cum that was running down my tits. “Please, come here.”


  “Okay, it’s okay. You don’t have to. I’m sorry,” I said, standing up.

  “I want to, but…” He fastened his pants. “I’m sorry,” he said, turning to leave. When he got to the doorway, he turned to me. He still had a bulge at his crotch. I’m not sure what he thought, looking at me, the head of Human Resources, who always dressed like a librarian, and not the sexy kind, now standing in front of him with his sperm dripping off her chin and her tits sticking out. Whatever he thought, it wasn’t enough to keep him there. He left.

  There was about a thousand emotions running through me, all colliding with each other. Panic. Humiliation. Excitement. Fear. Arousal. The last one won out. I collapsed into my chair, put a leg up on my desk, and attacked my vagina with both hands, one in front and one from underneath. The reflection in my computer monitor looked like I was starring in my own private porno. The taste of his cum still in my mouth, I had back-to-back orgasms, bouncing in my chair like a landed fish.

  ~ ~ ~

  When I got home that night, I was still feeling a mix of emotions. I was glad for the experience; glad to have finally made it real instead of fantasizing about it. But I was unsatisfied. I wanted more. A lot more. I felt certain Allan wanted more too, but he was afraid. Standing in the kitchen, drinking a glass of red wine, I decided I should be satisfied with what had already happened. Allan was moving, I wouldn’t see him at work any more, and it was time to let it go. Don’t push your luck, Julie.

  That night I fucked Carl blind. We both drank some wine, then had sex twice. I found myself wishing it was Allan’s big dick in me. I tried to imagine the feeling of having that much size inside me. Carl was average, an enthusiastic average, but average none the less. By comparison, Allan seemed supersized. I remembered when he came in my mouth; it was so powerful, so forceful. I imagined him cuming inside my pussy, filling me with those potent bursts. I imagined his face, superimposed on Carl’s face as he fucked me. I reached down and lifted my legs all the way up so my knees were next to my ears, trying to get more penetration from Carl, trying to get him deeper.

  The next morning, I dressed in my conservative work attire. Back to normal. I looked at my sexy heels on the floor of my closet and it made me a little sad, like the great adventure was over. Ah well, I sighed, I should be grateful for the encounter we had, brief as it was. I never even kissed him, I realized sadly. Why didn’t I try to start with that? Why did I just jump right into blowing him? Well, it was right there. It was hard not to, I thought naughtily.

  Anyway. Back to normal, Julie.

  I had a mountain of work waiting for me. I hadn’t realized how much of my work I’d neglected recently. My obsession with Allan had caused me to be careless, I realized. I dug in, figuring it would be good therapy. I noticed Allan’s folder still on my desk. He’d forgotten it. I put it in my drawer, figuring I’d mail it to his new address. I stayed late, not leaving until the building was nearly empty. The next day was the same, though I was starting to catch up. Late in the day, my phone rang. It was an outside line.

  “HR, this Julie.”

  “Hi. It’s Allan.”

  My heart skipped a beat. “Hi.”

  “Can I come by?” he asked.

  “Uh, okay. I think so.”

  “I left my folder. I wanted to pick it up.”

  “Oh, right. Yes, of course.”

  “Okay, I’ll be right over.”


  I’d been so absorbed in catching up with my work that my encounter with Allan had begun to feel like it happened a long time ago. Diving back into my job had worked. Now, with this brief phone call, it all came flooding back. My body twitched with desire. Jessica is still on vacation, was my first thought. So? was my second. You’re not going to do anything. He’s just coming to get his folder.

  Luckily, I didn’t have to wait long. Reception called me and said Allan was here to see me. Had he been out front when he called? “Send him down,” I told her. A couple minutes later there was a knock on the outer office door. I buzzed him in and a moment later he was standing at my door. Again. He looked nervous, avoiding eye contact.

  “Hi,” I said.

  “Hey,” he said.

  I got his folder from my desk drawer and stood up. Just give him the folder and let him go. I knew that would be the right thing to do. My body had other ideas. I could feel my excitement building, just by having him in the room. Stop it. Just leave him alone. Stop acting like a slut. I remembered the sensation of having him in my mouth. The thought made me dizzy with desire. Control, Julie. Just stay in control.

  “Here you go,” I said, still standing at my desk. But I didn’t reach out and hand the folder to him. He was tentative, but slowly he walked around my desk to my side. I hadn’t intended to, but I seemed to be manipulating the situation to get him closer to me.

  “Thanks,” he said, putting his hand out.

  He was now right in front of me. He was wearing a t-shirt and denim jacket; more casual than the business attire I was used to seeing him in. He hadn’t shaved, so he had rugged stubble. I could smell a clean, ocean-like cologne on him. I was wearing a pantsuit with a high collar blouse and outer coat. About as boring and unsexy as it’s possible to be. My hair was up. No makeup. Flat shoes.

  I looked into his pale blue eyes and stepped closer, putting the folder in his hand. Getting what he came for, I figured he’d turn and go. He held, looking at me. I remembered my regret at not kissing him. Kiss him! Kiss him NOW! I leaned in closer to him. My mouth felt hot and wet, like I really needed to kiss him. He leaned in as well. I turned my head so my lips were i
nches from his. His mouth opening slightly, ready to receive.

  “Allan,” I whispered.

  “Yes,” he said, his trembling lips moving in on mine. Our bodies now came together. My breasts, despite their many layers of confinement, pressed against him.

  “I want to tell you something,” I said, my lips brushing the stubble on his chin.


  “I will do whatever you want me to do. Anything. No matter what it is,” I said, now moving my mouth to his ear and talking directly into it. “Any sexual fantasy you have, any desire you have, anything you always wanted to do. All the naughty stuff.” My mouth was making slight wet sounds as I whispered this into his ear. “The only condition is, you have to tell me to do it. I won’t do anything, anything at all, unless you tell me to do it. Do you understand? You must tell me what to do.” His head nodded slightly, but he made no sound. My lips now touched his ear as I spoke, my tongue making light contact. “I will be your sex slave. You can do anything you want to me. But you have to tell me what to do.”

  I took a step away and sat back down at my desk. He stayed standing there. Without looking directly, I could see he was hard. He was wearing jeans, so his long erection went down his leg instead of straight out like it did when he wore slacks. I sat placidly at my desk. What the fuck are you doing!? I really didn’t know.

  All my fantasies about Allan seemed to be about him telling me what to do. I guess I thought if anything was going to happen, I wanted it to be that. No quick blowjob. I wanted the full fantasy, or nothing.

  Allan stood there, stunned. He seemed to be having trouble processing what I’d just told him, but I knew he understood. So now it was up to him.

  “I… I… I want you to…” he said.

  I stood back up and faced him, arms at my side, as if ready for my instructions.

  “I want you to… to…” he fumbled, licking his lips. He looked me up and down, as if considering the possibilities.

  I raided my eyebrows, yes?

  “To… to…” He was breathing harder, grasping the folder so tight it was folding in half.

  I waited, my pants on fire. Finally, Allan dropped his head, as if in defeat. He turned and walked toward the door. He paused, but didn’t turn back to me. He walked out, dejected, shoulders slumped forward, as if succumbing to another round of self-defeat.

  I stood there, feeling rejected, as if I was in grade school and the boy I wanted to dance with said no. Bang up job, Julie. You didn’t even get a kiss. Now he’s gone. Forever. I had gone for it all, and ended up with nothing.

  I forced myself to get back to my work. I knew if I didn’t, I’d fall into a death-spiral of self-doubt and recrimination. Though it was a slow slog, over the next few hours I managed to get through the rest of the pile on my desk. Thoughts of Allan crept in, but I tried to force them away. Sometimes I won. Finally, I locked my office and went to the bathroom, then walked through the office toward the lobby. The offices were dark. Everyone was gone. The only light that was on was in the conference room, where the long table was lit like a stage. The conference room door was open and light spilled out. As I walked past, I saw something move.

  “I’m here,” said a voice. I started, letting out a yelp. “It’s Allan.”

  “Oh my God, you scared me to death,” I said, clutching my chest.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” he said, stepping out of the conference room, where he’d been sitting.

  “It’s okay, I just… Let me just catch my breath,” I said, trying to calm down. “Are you here by yourself?” I asked, my heart still bouncing around in my chest.

  “Yeah, I ran into some guys from my department as I was heading out. They invited me out for a drink. When we came back, I told them I left something in my desk and they let me in. Everyone else has gone home.”

  “I see,” I said, taking him in. God, he’s sexy. Like, crazy sexy. Walk away, Julie. NO! He’s here for a reason. Maybe he’s… My body seemed to flush at the thought, like an animal catching a scent.

  I waited, expecting him to say something. He didn’t. He looked down at the floor, shoulders slumped. “Well, take care Allan. It was nice seeing you again. Good luck in Denver,” I said. I started toward the reception area, into the dark end of the office. I was almost to the lobby when I heard him speak.

  “Wait,” he said. I stopped, still facing away from him. “Turn around,” he said. I did it quickly, as if following his order. I looked at him. He stood, lit by the conference room light. He seemed to be struggling, his hands fidgeting. I remained standing there in the semi-dark, waiting to see what he’d do. “Come here,” he finally said. I strode quickly toward him, stopping right in front of him. I could see this excited him. He was already breathing hard.

  He hesitated, looking at the ground. Then he looked at me, making eye contact. “Kiss me,” he finally said.

  I dropped my bag, stepped forward and put one hand behind his head and the other around his shoulders. Licking my lips, I turned my head and kissed him. I kissed him like he was a soldier returned home from the war; deep and wet, with full body contact. Long and slow. My tongue explored his mouth, sucking, licking and gorging. I pulled his tongue into my mouth, and bit his chin. I smothered him in small kisses, slow kisses, kisses on his eyes and cheeks. I ran my tongue over his lips, and finally I gave him one last, long deep kiss. Then I stepped away, as if ready for my next order.

  He seemed literally weak at the knees. Perhaps I flatter myself, but I’m not sure he’d ever been kissed like that. When he regained his bearings he looked at me. The light from the conference room made a glint in his eyes, as if a fire was glowing there.

  He motioned with his head. “Go into the conference room.”

  I picked up my bag and went in. A long table made of dark wood dominated the conference room. It had a glossy resin surface, as if coated in glass, which reflected the soft light from above. Puffy leather swivel chairs surrounded the table. Along the walls, in partial darkness, were more chairs, a couple of leather couches, and a long table for food service. I dropped my bag on a chair along the wall and stood there, awaiting my instructions.

  Allan pulled a chair away from the table. “Stand next to the table. Please.”

  I did. “The other way,” he said. “Face the table.” I did. And waited. Nothing happened. A minute passed. Finally, I turned around. Allan stood there, looking at the ground.

  “I don’t know if I can do this,” he said softly.

  I stepped forward and put his face in my hands. “Allan,” I whispered. “Do you want to do this? You don’t have to, you know.”

  “You have no idea,” he said, his eyes meeting mine. “I want this so much, it’s painful. Literally.”

  “Then why?”

  “I’m just not sure I’m capable of… telling you what to do. I don’t usually… do that. Or I haven’t. Ever.”

  “I understand,” I said, looking sad, like he’d taken my candy away. “It can be really hard to say what you want. To demand it. And then to just take it. It’s not easy. But, it’s okay. Really,” I stepped away. He looked so dejected I thought he might fall forward.

  I went to my bag, my mind racing. Allan stood a few feet away, by the table, bathed in the light from above.

  “Just one thing,” I said from the darkness, lifting my bag. “Can I ask you one thing?”

  “Sure,” Allan said, still looking at the floor.

  “And will you tell me the truth?”

  “Sure I will.”


  “Well, yeah.”

  “Okay. I want you to be honest. I think you owe me that.”

  “You’re right.”

  “Okay. Tell me the honest truth. When you asked me to face the table, what were you going to do?”


  “Allan, just say it. Don’t think about it, just tell me, now.”

  He closed his eyes in a squint. “I was going to pull your pants dow
n and lick your ass,” he said, quick and loud.

  I let the words hang in the air a moment. Finally, I said in a very quiet voice, “Were you going to spread my ass cheeks as well? So you could see my ass hole?”

  He took awhile to answer. “Yes.”

  “And were you going to make me lean forward so you could lick my pussy from there as well?”


  “Umm, I would have liked that. Would you have, maybe, put a finger in my pussy?”